Event: Blended Learning at the Centre for Excellence in Media Practice

This is the latest in the Blended Learning Seminar series from the Glamorgan Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching.
This will be held on Wednesday 19th September at 12pm.
Blended Learning at the Centre for Excellence in Media Practice
Presented by Jonathan Wardle of Bournemouth University.
Jon Wardle is Deputy Director of The Centre for Excellence in Media Practice (CEMP), and is responsible for pioneering a range of new techniques and technologies to support and enhance media practice learning and teaching. His session will focus on two areas of development related to blended learning by The Centre for Excellence.
Curriculum Development
Two years ago CEMP developed a new and innovative online MA. The MA Creative Media Practice does not provide subject specific knowledge or training in production skills, but rather works with its students to develop solutions to complex problems, drawing upon their work experiences and working in collaboration with other professionals from a range of related disciplines.
Tools and Techniques
The pedagogy underpinning new curriculum models requires new tools and techniques to support learners. CEMP has developed a number of reusable learning objects and open source resources, these will be demonstrated.
Go here to register for this event.
Events are open to all with an interest in Blended Learning and / or e-Learning and are free of charge to staff at University of Glamorgan and colleagues who hold RTS status at Partner Colleges although prior booking is essential.
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