Web 2.0 Comes to Campus
I was reading CogDogBlog the other day, when i came across an entry (Me TV), taling about how Learning and Instructional technologist Alan Levine had recently been involved in a panel discussion on Ready2net.
Ready2net run by California State University, Monteray Bay, provides a free series of national satellite broadcasts and webcast programmes.
This latest programme Web 2.0 Comes to Campus, lasts for one hour, and has two panel discussions, the first with members of the corporate world, Microsoft, Blackboard e.t.c, and their views on Web 2.0. The second with a number of people from the "campus" community, 2 CIO's, a Librarian, and Alan who is a Vice President for the New Media Consortium(NMC).

These were very interesting discussions, covering a range of topics, debating how controlling institutions should be about content on users Wikis, discussing Second Life - are we moving into it too quickly?
Well worth watching if you have the time:
(Note: you'll need to sign up to watch it)
Labels: e-learning, web 2.0
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