Love Your Library Day - 14th February
Monday 14th February is Love Your Library Day at Swansea University. Come and visit us in the main Library on the Singleton campus .
Get involved!
You can do this in lots of ways:
- Tell us what you think of the Library service. We’ll have post it notes in the foyer of the library (opposite the Costa coffee café), just write down why you Love Your Library and stick to the noticeboard!
- We’ll have a text wall projecting in the Central Hall – just send us a text message on the 14th February telling us why you Love Your Library to 07537 402 400 and start your message with s4lib
- Can’t make it to the Library on the 14th February? Leave us a message on
We want to give you a Valentine’s Day gift!
Your Librarians have been working hard over the past few months on developing the Assignment Survival Kit (ASK) which will really help you when it comes to deadlines and time management skills. Your Librarians will be on hand to give you lots of advice and demonstrate this new tool.
PC room 3 will be open 10-4pm for you to pop in and try the Assignment Survival Kit (ASK) yourself. We’ll also have loads of cakes and refreshments for you to enjoy.
Why do you Love Your Library? – Let us know…..
Labels: librarians, library, Swansea
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